Processing principles/ Protection of personal data

Protection of personal data

If you are our client, newsletter subscriber of are browsing our webpage, you are entrusting us with your personal information. We are responsible for the protection and safety of that information. Please, take a moment to familiarise yourself with the protection personal data, principles and rights granted to you by the GDPR legislative.

Who is the custodian of your data?

We are a company, ID 27134954, residing at Přístavní 1315/7, registered in the Business register of the Municipal court of Prague, section C, insert 98894. Your personal information is selected and kept by us, the custodian, as well as for how long the data will be kept and for what purpose will they be used. Other parties may be involved in processing your data.

Contact Info

If you want to contact us at any point, please use the phone number 420 608 709 206 or email


We declare, that as a custodian of your personal data, we meet all legal obligations in the latest legislative, namely the protection of personal data, set by the GDPR as following:

-we will process your personal data only with valid legal reasons to do so, for fulfilment of contract, legal obligations or with received permission.

-as stated in article 13 of GDPR, we fulfil our information obligation before processing your personal data

-we will enable you to execute on your rights to protect your personal information, granted by the GDPR.

The extension of personal data processed

We process personal data given to us by you for the following reasons:

Provision of services

The data is being processed by Bugshop in an internal database consists of:

First and last name – a necessary information to identify a customer

Phone number – a necessary information for further contact, if there need to be one

Email – a necessary information to send information about the order, the email provided during registration does not sign you up for newsletter

Address – a necessary information for procession of order

History of purchases – a necessary information for internal bookkeeping, long term clients will receive loyalty bonuses.

We archive informationfor a 10-year period

Marketing – newsletter

Your email address, your email usage and the time you usually read emails is used in our online marketing – sending business messages. You will receive our newsletter only with your permission, which lasts 5 years after granting it. You can revoke that permission using a direct link included in every newsletter email.

Further marketing

With your permission, we can also send you business proposals of third parties, or use your email address for remarketing or targeted advertisement through Facebook. The permission lasts for 5 years after granting it. You can revoke that permission at any time using our contact info.

We keep your information during the limitation period, in cases, where the legislation does not state otherwise, and we have not addressed the individual situations, where this stipulation may not apply.


While you are browsing our webpage, we log your IP address, duration of your stay and what pages you visited and redirections. We consider using cookies as an important tool to measure the traffic of our website, through which we can improve your experience with our website.

Cookies are only used with your permission.

Our website also be accessed in a mode with no personal data collection. Using of cookies can be turned off in your browser.

Protection of personal data

We protect your data using the most secure modern technologies, with up-to-date development. We protect them as if they were our own. We include and update the best possible safety measure to protect your personal data from misuse, damage or destruction of that data.

Inclusion of third parties

Our employees and co-workers have access to your data. For some processes, we include the services of third parties, that can protect your data even better that we can, are specialise in certain services.

Such service providers are:

-SmartSelling a.s. (SmartEmailing, MioWeb, FAPI, Proaffil)
It is possible, that in the future, this list will be extended with more service providers. In that case, we promise to inform you of any such changes and to employ data protection standards at least as good as ours when choosing such providers.

Data transfer outside of EU

All data processing will be done within the EU. Your rights for data protection are a part of EU legislative.

In addition to data protection laws, you have a set of rights. If you want to act on any of those, please contact us using the email address:

You have a right to information, fulfilled by this page with legal information about the procession of personal data.

You can request a list of your personal information and why they are being processes, that we will send you within 14 days.

If you change any information, of find any information that is not up to date, you can change or add any personal information.

The right to restrict the procession of personal data can be acted upon, if you believe that we process inaccurate information, that our data procession methods are not legal, but you don’t want all your data deleted, or if you object to your data being processed. You can restrict the list of your personal information, or the extension of data procession. (Such as: cancelling a newsletter subscription restricts the intention to send business messages.)

The right of portability. If you want to transfer your data to a different party, we will act similarly to providing the data to you, only with machine readable data. The data will be provided within 30 days.

You also have a right to have your data removed. If you chose to act upon that right, we will remove all your personal data collected by us from out system, partial systems provided to us by third parties service providers and our system backups. The data will be deleted within 60 days.

In some cases, we are bound by law, such as the electronical evidence of sales for the duration set by law. In that case, we will delete all your personal information, that we are not obliged by law to keep. We will inform you of your data being deleted by email.

Complaints with the Office of Personal Data Protection

If you believe that your data is being mishandles, you can file a complaint with the Office of Personal Data Protection. If you chose to contact us with the complaint first, we will do all in our power to fix the possible mishandling.

Cancelling a newsletter subscription and business messages

Emails with inspiration, articles and products, that you might be interested in are sent to our customers with their direct permission.

If you are not our customer, the emails are sent only with your permission. In both cases, you can cancel your permission any time, using the link provided in every email.


We assure you, that our employees and co-workers, that will be handling your data, will not at any point disclose your personal data, or any of the security measures used to protect them. This non-disclosure agreement lasts even after the expiration of all legal obligations between you and us. Without your consent, your data will not be provided to any third party.

The processing principles are in valid since 25.5.2018